Disampaikan oleh Irwan Dwi Arianto dalam Kuliah Kajian Media Sosial Progdi Ilmu Komunikasi UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur.
Cumulative number of monthly Facebook product users as of 2nd quarter 2021
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Number of daily active Facebook users worldwide as of 2nd quarter 2021
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Distribution of Facebook users worldwide as of July 2021, by age and gender
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Distribution of Instagram users worldwide as of July 2021, by age and gender
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Distribution of Twitter users worldwide as of April 2021, by age group
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Leading countries based on number of Twitter users as of July 2021
(in millions)
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Distribution of videos removed from YouTube worldwide from 2nd quarter 2019 to 1st quarter 2021, by reason
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Number of videos removed from YouTube worldwide from 1st quarter 2019 to 1st quarter 2021, by source of first detection
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Most popular social networks worldwide as of July 2021, ranked by number of active users
(in millions)
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Growth of monthly active users of selected social media platforms worldwide from 2019 to 2021
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Breakdown of social media users by age and gender in Indonesia as of January 2021
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Number of social media users in Indonesia from 2017 to 2020 with forecasts until 2026
(in millions)
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The Social Dilemma | Full Feature | Netflix
Terima kasih partisipasinya dalam “Belajar Pembacaan Media Sosial Twitter”. Berikut hasilnya ya …
Mantabs, silahkan koreksi diri ketika Tweet tadi. Kesimpulannya, yang kalian Tweet berpengaruh terhadap reach engagement juga impressions. Semangaaaaat belajar.