Analisis Komunikasi Big Data (ASIGTA) or Big Data Communication Analysis is a company that focus on analyzing social networks with big data. It was founded by Irwan Dwi Arianto, who is also a lecturer at UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur. Basically, you can ask us to analyze any data you want from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Wiki Media, Instagram, Flicker, Tik Tok and many more. We offer media analysis, network analysis, and conversation analysis with the visualization just for you!
What is Social Media Analysis?
Social Media Analysis is the process of collecting the most valuable data from your social media channels and drawing actionable conclusion.
So, here’s how it works : you’ll filled a form to tell us what data you want to analyze, and choose the platform then we’ll analyze and visualize it for you.
yes, it is that simple.
So, feel free to contact us for more details and pricing.
We are looking forward to hear from you!:)